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Keep Your Natural Tree Fresh This Christmas
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A few simple strategies can help holiday revelers ensure their Christmas trees make it through the holiday season unscathed.

Natural Christmas tree aficionados love the authenticity such trees provide during the holiday season. Natural trees also provide a unique aroma that can make holiday celebrations feel more homey.

When purchasing natural trees, holiday celebrants, especially those who like to buy their trees in early December, may be concerned about keeping their trees fresh throughout the holiday season. The following tips can help trees last until the final present is unwrapped and the last of the egg nog has been consumed.

Buy a freshly cut tree. Whenever possible, celebrants should cut their own trees. This ensures that the tree they bring home is fresh, increasing the chances it will remain so throughout the season. If it’s not possible to cut your own tree, the National Fire Protection Association notes that fresh trees should have green needles that do not come off when touched. Trees that appear to be dried out or those that shed needles when touched should be avoided.

Protect trees on the way home. The Tree Care Industry Association advises consumers to protect their Christmas trees as they transport them home. Wrap the tree in a plastic wrap so it makes it home damage-free. A damaged tree might not make it through the holiday season.

Cut pre-cut trees before leaving the lot. Pre-cut trees can make it through the holiday season looking their best, but buyers should request that employees cut as much as two inches off the bottom of the tree before leaving the lot. Once trees are cut, sap begins to seal their base, making it hard for them to absorb water. By requesting that between one and two inches be removed from the bottom of the tree at the time of purchase, buyers are ensuring their trees will be able to absorb the water they’ll need to make it through the season when they get home.

Place the tree in water the moment you get home. To prevent the base of the tree from drying out, place it in water the moment you get home. Freshly cut trees may initially need the water in their tree stands filled in the morning and then again in the evening. As the season progresses, trees likely won’t need their stands filled more than once per day.

Place the tree away from heat sources. Placing trees away from heat sources, such as radiators, fireplaces, heating vents, and lights, reduces the likelihood that trees will dry out and also reduces the risk of fire.

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