Riverbank city officials are announcing the continuation of its annual Christmas Tree Collection Plan for the coming season.
They say the Gilton Solid Waste will be handling curbside collection of the trees after the holiday.
Tree collection will be during the first two full weeks in January, starting on Monday, Jan. 6 and ending on Friday, Jan. 17, 2020.
Trees are scheduled to be picked up on customers’ regular garbage pickup day.
They say that trees need to be placed in front of the house, even if customers have alley garbage service. Trees should be placed on the street surface next to the curb, but a minimum of six feet away from cars or refuse cans.
And the trees need to have all metal stands, lights and ornaments removed. Treated trees, those with flocking, paint or fireproofing, should be cut up and put into a refuse can.
The announcement came in the city’s most recent newsletter that accompanies the water/sewer/garbage bill in the mail. There won’t be another billing until January 2020 so the tree collection info was shared several weeks ahead of the actual collection.