After nearly a 30-year career with Stanislaus County, Chief Executive Officer Stan Risen has presented the Board of Supervisors with a six-month notice of his intent to retire. His plan is to retire in August 2017.
Risen was appointed chief executive officer by the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors in November 2013. Prior to the head administrative position, Risen was an assistant executive officer for the county in 2005 and began his career in the Assessor’s Office in 1987, rising through the ranks until brought into the chief executive office as a senior management consultant in 1999.
“Stan is the epitome of an effective leader,” stated Vito Chiesa, Chairman of the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors. “He has been a leader of great influence with tremendous integrity who keeps the community first in his deliberations. It would be hard to find a better example of a leader and public servant.”
Risen is credited with a strong leadership role behind the implementation of the Focus on Prevention effort in Stanislaus County which focuses on improving quality of life through efforts such as decreasing homelessness. He was also instrumental in securing a 10-year agreement with local cities for solid waste services, the payoff of general fund debt for the county, spearheading efforts that led to the county receiving the Government Financial Officers Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, the development of the county’s long-range financial model and more.
The county will be evaluating how to move forward in finding a replacement for Risen’s position.