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RHS Seniors Celebrate Start Of Final Year
Members of the Class of 2020 at Riverbank High School pose, somewhat, in the stands at the football stadium early Friday morning, Aug. 23, celebrating Senior Sunrise, representing the dawning of their last year of high school. In addition to enjoying breakfast goodies, they wrote a letter to be read by their graduating selves at the Senior Sunset celebration next spring.
Taking selfies was part of the fun for the RHS Class of 2020 at the Senior Sunrise celebration at the football stadium before class this past Friday.
Getting items set up for breakfast, RHS seniors enjoyed the Senior Sunrise celebration on Aug. 23, eating, taking photos and writing themselves a letter. Traditionally, the class and advisors get together to recognize the beginning of their final year of high school with food and lots of photos.

Senior class members at Riverbank High School took an early morning moment to celebrate the start of their final year of study at RHS on Friday, Aug. 23, assembling at the football stadium on campus for Senior Sunrise.

Bringing breakfast goodies, including fruit, donuts and bagels, among other things, they gathered to take photos of each other, and themselves, before climbing into the stands for one big group photo for the RHS yearbook.

Spirits were high, as would be expected, and they were busy taking their selfies while the sun actually rose on the field, but that just left plenty of illumination for the group photo.

Uniform of the day for the seniors was tie-dyed T-shirts, with smaller groups choosing to coordinate their colors, if not exactly matching the patterns.

Some carried signs, some added letters or numbers to their shirts to stand with friends and spell out words, with the largest group indicating ‘Seniors 2020.’

Class advisors then told the students to write out a letter to themselves, one that they would open at the Senior Sunset celebration at the end of the school year.