The Royal Neighbors of American organization in Riverbank has scheduled its 16th Annual Veterans Luncheon for this Saturday, Nov. 9.
It is free to all veterans and one guest.
The meal will once again be held in the dining hall at the Stanislaus Veterans Foundation, 3500 Coffee Road, Suite 15, in Modesto.
The doors will open at 11 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon.
The Royal Neighbors of America organization was formed in 1988 as an adjunct for wives of Modern Woodmen of America, building a fraternal service organization in Iowa. Later headquartered in Illinois, it is also one of the largest women-led life insurers in the U.S.
The annual Veterans Luncheon was originally hosted in the Riverbank Community Center, but has outgrown that facility. The Veterans Center has a much larger dining area and a full kitchen to serve the event.
The program also typically includes music and a speaker.
There are no formal Veterans Day services in Riverbank; there are programs, including a parade, in both neighboring communities of Oakdale and Escalon scheduled for Monday, Nov. 11.