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Letters To The Editor 4-29-20

Threatened By More Than Virus


Dear Editor,

The coronavirus is not the only thing that threatens our life. Gun violence is a threat that we must not ignore.

We recently observed the 21st anniversary of the Columbine School shooting. Two teens went on a shooting spree, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others, before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. The Columbine shooting was, at the time, the worst high school shooting in U.S. history and prompted a national debate on gun control and school safety.

Gun violence is an epidemic. Based on the latest CDC figures, for 2017, the average gun-related death per day were 100. World wide: 685 per day.

Gun violence is a life issue. We cannot say we are against abortion and at the same time be against common sense gun laws. It will be an absolute contradiction! We cannot have it both ways. We are either for life or against life.

God wants us to be either hot or cold because the lukewarm, he will spit out of his mouth. (Rev 3:16)

Fr Misael Avila



Increase Is Too Much


Dear Editor,

I hope everyone reads Measure Q.

If you have a 2000 sq. ft. house your tax bill on your house alone will be $520 that is a 215 percent increase. A 3000 sq ft house will be $590 that is a 257 percent increase. Then add on $70 for each out building and 50 cents per acre. Then after that huge increase the board will be able to increase it more starting next year 2021 at their discretion with No Vote.

I don’t know anyone who has had a 215 percent (14.3 percent per year) raise in the last 15 yr.

Please Vote NO on Q.

Rita Ford