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Archery, Reservoirs And California Fish And Game Commission
California Outdoors 7-5-23

Scholastic Archery Program

Q: How do I get my kid’s school involved with CDFW’s in-school target archery program?

A: Since 2006, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has offered equipment grants to California schools for incorporating target archery into physical education curriculums. Currently, CDFW is partnered with the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) and utilizes its curriculum to safely teach archery to fourth through 12th-grade students. In addition to the fundamentals of archery, students learn focus, self-control, discipline, patience and other skills aimed at helping them succeed inside and outside of the classroom. Target archery is an inclusive sport that every child can participate in regardless of skill or athletic ability.

The first step to starting a scholastic target archery program in your school would be to speak with school administration about offering the program. The program is typically offered during the school day as part of a gym class. All types of schools are eligible including private, charter, home and special needs schools. Grant approved schools must send a credentialed teacher to a Basic Archery Instructor training class prior to starting in-school lessons. Training classes are paid for by CDFW and offered throughout the year at many locations throughout the state.

For more information visit CDFW’s Scholastic Archery Program webpage or contact California Coordinator Leticia Palamidessi at


Klamath River

Q: What will happen to fish in reservoirs along the Klamath River before the dams come down? Will they be relocated?

A: The Klamath Dam removal, the largest dam removal project in U.S. history, is an opportunity to restore the health of the Klamath River. The project will benefit salmon, steelhead and other native species along with local Tribes and communities within the Klamath Basin. As for the fish, the plan is to translocate Lost River sucker and shortnose sucker prior to the drawdown of Iron Gate and Copco reservoirs. Both of those fish species are listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act and California Endangered Species Act.

Aside from the listed species, there are no plans to relocate fish from the reservoirs. Many fish species in the reservoirs are non-native, including largemouth bass, yellow perch, and bluegill. These non-native fish species are typically associated with reservoir ecosystems. Once the reservoirs are drawn down, these species are likely to experience substantial population losses or be eliminated. However, the decline in non-native fish is expected to benefit native fish such as native trout. The makeup of fish species in the future is expected to be like what is currently found downstream of Iron Gate Dam, which includes steelhead, Chinook and coho salmon. CDFW plans to closely monitor fish populations following removal of the dams to understand the impacts and inform future management actions.


Fish and Game Commission

Q: What’s the difference between CDFW and the California Fish and Game Commission?

A: Essentially, CDFW implements and enforces the California Fish and Game Code along with regulations adopted by the California Fish and Game Commission. CDFW also provides biological data and expertise to inform the Commission’s decision-making process.

The Commission was one of the first wildlife conservation agencies in the U.S. Established by California’s State Constitution, it is composed of five Commissioners appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate.

The Commission and CDFW are separate legal entities with a wide variety of authorities, some general in nature and some very specific. Primary functions of the Commission are adopting policies and regulations which guide its work and the work of CDFW, listing and delisting threatened or endangered species, letting leases for shellfish cultivation and kelp harvest, and establishing seasons, bag limits, and methods of take for hunting and fishing. CDFW’s law enforcement division enforces regulations adopted by the Commission, but CDFW also administers other programs, such as the lake and streambed alteration program, which are unrelated to the Commission.

Commission meetings are held bimonthly, with both video and audio coverage live-streamed and archived. Visit the Commission home page on the day of each meeting to watch or listen live.


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