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Benefit Basketball Game Showcases RHS Staffers
Lindsey 11-15
Riverbank’s girls varsity volleyball coach Megan Lindsey drives on the basket in the first half of the Staff Basketball Tournament on Thursday, Nov. 9. The event was a fundraiser for the upcoming soccer season, with Athletic Director Juan Harvey and Principal Greg Diaz coaching opposing teams. Ric McGinnis/The News

Staff members at Riverbank High School ended their holiday-shortened week last Thursday evening, Nov. 9, with a special fundraising basketball extravaganza. The game was one that pitted colleagues against one another, for fun and for the benefit of the school’s soccer programs.

The game, in the Fauria Gymnasium, featured a team captained by Athletic Director and Bruin coach Juan Harvey, battling it out against a team coached by RHS Principal Greg Diaz. And the teams included both male and female players from among the staff members at the high school.

Seeing a good turnout of students and a few parents in the stands, a reaction from the crowd was heard with each shot, attempt or score, pretty much throughout the evening.

Thursday was the final day of school last week, with the observance of Veterans Day on Friday, because the actual holiday fell on Saturday, Nov. 11, this year.

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Bruin varsity football coach Joe Pirillo looks to put up a shot in the recent Staff Basketball Tournament fundraiser. They played on Thursday, Nov. 9 as a fundraiser for the school’s soccer programs, with the team coached by Principal Greg Diaz winning, 53-23. Ric McGinnis/The News