The California Fish and Game Commission acted on a variety of issues affecting California’s natural resources at its two-day, mid-August meeting in Fortuna, Humboldt County. The public was also able to participate via webinar and by phone.
The Commission adopted proposed regulations related to commercial California halibut and white seabass set gill nets to address potential bycatch concerns. New regulations will require a maximum service interval, or soak time, of 48 hours, require orange-colored gear marking and establish a maximum net height limit.
Emergency regulations were adopted for the recreational catch-and-release of white sturgeon pursuant to California Fish and Game Code Section 2084. The approval defines seasons, closed areas, gear and handling restrictions, and report card requirements for catch-and-release fishing of white sturgeon in both inland and ocean waters. The decision opens catch-and-release sport fishing opportunities for anglers and mitigates adverse economic impacts to sturgeon-related businesses. The anticipated opening date for sturgeon fishing under these emergency regulations is Oct. 1, 2024, pending the review of California’s Office of Administrative Law. Until then, recreational fishing for white sturgeon is closed. More information can be found on the Commission’s New and Proposed Regulations – 2024 web page.
The Commission adopted proposed amendments to regulations for freshwater sport fishing bag limits, gear and low-flow information. Under consent, the Commission adopted proposed regulations to update and define areas of commercial marine fishing activity and associated forms and logbooks. Such improvements aim to better document fishing locations and reported catch to support effective fishery management decisions.
Commission President Samantha Murray, Vice President Erika Zavaleta, and commissioners Jacque Hostler-Carmesin, Eric Sklar and Darius Anderson participated in person with Commission and department staff throughout the meeting. The agenda for this meeting, along with supporting information, is available on the Commission website. The next California Fish and Game Commission meeting is scheduled to occur in Sacramento on Oct. 9-10, 2024. Participants can attend in person, via Zoom or phone. The location will be determined and updated on the Commission’s website soon.
The California Fish and Game Commission was one of the first wildlife conservation agencies in the United States, predating even the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. There is often confusion about the distinction between the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Commission. In the most basic terms, CDFW implements and enforces the policies and regulations set by the Commission, as well as provides biological data and expertise to inform the Commission’s decision-making process.