Hunters throughout the state can now submit their Shared Habitat Alliance for Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Access Permit Application for multiple hunting opportunities. Wild pig and turkey hunts are available through the SHARE program. A $12.14 non-refundable application fee is charged for each hunt choice. For more information, visit
Also, the White Goose late season opens this month in the Imperial County Special Management Area. Season is open Feb. 8-12 and 15-21. For more information, visit Falconry only season is now open for rabbits and varying hares (extending through March 21). For more information on upland game bird seasons and limits, visit
Commercial Fishing Licenses and Permits for 2021 are now available for purchase. The 2021 commercial fishing licenses and permits are valid from April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022. For more information, visit
Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 6 and 7 will be observed as Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, Southern California, Colorado River and Balance of State Zones. Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days are intended to provide a safe learning environment for youth who are interested in hunting and to encourage youths and adults to experience the outdoors together. Each year, many wildlife areas and national wildlife refuges open for youth hunt days. Federal regulations require that hunters must be 17 years of age or younger and accompanied by a non-hunting adult 18 years of age or older to participate. All hunters must have a valid license and stamps as required by state and federal law. The daily bag and possession limits apply along with all other waterfowl regulations for the 2020-21 waterfowl season. For more information, visit
In other business during the month, the California Fish and Game Commission Meeting is set for Wednesday, Feb. 10. The meeting is to be held via webinar/teleconference due to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19. For more information, visit
On Thursday, Feb. 11 the California Wildlife Conservation Board Lower American River Conservancy Program Advisory Committee Meeting is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., via Microsoft Teams Meeting. For more information, visit
Join in the fun on Saturday, Feb. 13 for the ‘I Heart Estuaries: Virtual Tidal Trivia Night’ beginning at 5:30 p.m. Test your knowledge of mud, marsh and migratory birds, and hear a few fun stories from the wetlands in between. This virtual event is family-friendly and questions will involve a variety of nature-themed topics. The event is free, but registration is required. To register, visit
The California Wildlife Conservation board meeting begins at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25, via Microsoft Teams or teleconference. Members of the public are invited to participate. For more information, visit
As a reminder, these items are subject to change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Outdoor enthusiasts are reminded to continue to adhere to all safety protocols including physical distancing, wearing masks and frequent hand washing. Wildlife areas, ecological reserves and other properties may be closed due to wildfire damage and/or the pandemic so it is recommended that you check for closures before leaving on any recreational trip.