Weekends beginning Oct. 20, state residents can enjoy Guided Wildlife Tours at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, 3207 Rutherford Road, Gridley with the tours beginning at 12:30 p.m.
The 90-minute walking tour covers slightly more than a half mile through this premier birding spot that highlights migratory waterfowl and other wetland wildlife. Tours are canceled in heavy rain. No reservations are necessary for groups of less than 20 people. This land is part of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Lands Pass Program and its associated fee-for-use requirement. There is no additional cost for the tour. For more information on the tour, call (530) 846-7505 or email lori.dieter@wildlife.ca.gov.
On Tuesday, Oct. 9, there will be a Tour Leader Workshop at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, 3207 Rutherford Road, Gridley, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The free workshop will focus on developing leaders for the “Exploring the Wetlands” youth education program. Reservations are required. For more information, call (530) 846-7505 or email lori.dieter@wildlife.ca.gov.
Coming up on Saturday, Oct. 13 there will be an Elkhorn Slough Reserve Teachers on the Reserve Workshop, Elkhorn Slough Reserve, 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville. The workshop introduces teachers to the reserve and the education fieldtrip program. The workshop is free and continuing Education Units will be available. To register, visit www.elkhornslough.org/education-program/teacher-development/ and for more information, contact Virginia Guhin at virginia.guhin@wildlife.ca.gov.
Also during October, Ecological Reserve Tours are offered various days at Elkhorn Slough, 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville. Volunteers lead walks every Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11 a.m. Binoculars and bird books are available for the public to borrow at no cost. The visitor center and main overlook are fully accessible. The day use permit fee is $4.12 per person, ages 16 and older (permits may be purchased on-site). Groups of five or more should notify staff that they are coming and groups of 10 or more can request a separate tour. For more information, visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/lands/places-to-visit/elkhorn-slough-er.
The first through third Saturdays and Sundays of the Month feature Sandhill Crane Wetland Tours at Woodbridge Ecological Reserve, 7730 W. Woodbridge Road, Lodi. Online registration has begun for those wishing to participate in these guided tours, which run October through February. Registration is available online at www.wildlife.ca.gov/regions/3/crane-tour. A one-day Lands Pass must be purchased to attend and instructions are available on the same website. Tours fill fast and registration may be done as much as six weeks in advance. For more information, visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/regions/3/crane-tour.